
Finding God through John

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Belated New Years

I have been struggling to come up with a new blog post for some time now. I was having major anxiety for the weeks prior to Christmas and that has continued on into the new year. I don’t want to say happy new year because that seems pretty cliché especially since I have received so many prayer requests over the last couple of weeks. Everything from broken bones to cancer to death itself has hit my prayer list and the prayer lists of those whom I am close to. I think the world, well many of us anyway, have heard the story of Ben Breedlove and his youtube video (you can access it by clicking his name, be sure to watch part 1 and part 2). If you haven’t heard of Ben he was a young man who had several experiences with death and decided to document his story via youtube using cards and the melody of “Mad World”. From what the news reported he uploaded these two videos talking about his life and went to sleep only to be found on Christmas day no longer alive. I found this very prophetic but that’s for each of us to decide on our own.

As far as prayer requests go I want each and every one of you who has asked me to pray for you to know that I have been. Even at my darkest moments I have prayed for each of you. I have been struggling a lot this holiday season, as I do each year and maybe it was the fact that I was needed so much through prayer that I was able to keep going this year (although I haven’t been effective at life my spirit has only swayed a bit). 

I think that praying for other people has helped me in a sense to pray for myself without my knowing it. Having that continuous communication with God and the other realms has helped my negativity to stay positive and at worst at neutral. No, I am not perfect. I am actually quite far from it. My house is a tragic mess as is the majority of my life but my relationships with each of you, ordained by God himself, have kept me from rolling down into the depths of this slump and although I am not floating on high in the sky I am for the most part content right now. Sure I have too much to do and no desire to do it. You have become my family. My prayers are more important than image right now.

So, I guess I have rambled long enough here. The fact is, you are all my family. You are the ones I think of when I go to bed at night and the ones I think of when I wake up in the morning. You are the ones I pray for and you are the ones who pray for me! We have a wonderful God! A God who gives us unconditional love, a God who sacrificed His only begotten son so that we may have eternal life! A God who bore our sins, took our illness and our pains just so that we could experience His riches both here on earth as it is or will be in Heaven! 

I plan to get back to the proverbs one of these days. In the meantime I think anyone in need of prayer, or finding joy in life should begin to read proverbs. Study it, learn it, love it. The Proverbs are a guide to daily living and everything you ever need to know is in that book! Praise the Lord daily. If you haven’t come up with a resolution this year try writing down three different things each day that you are grateful for. It’s a lot harder than you think, and soon enough you will be seeing your own world through the eyes of our Lord and Saviour! This year, don’t strive to be or achieve something you’re not. Instead, strive to live each day in thanks to our God! You are His child and creating and nurturing your relationship with Him is the best thing you can do for your life now, and always.

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