
Finding God through John

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Strength and Courage is the Lord

“My strength and my courage is the Lord, and He has been my saviour. He is my God, I praise Him.” Exodus 15:2

Biblically speaking, this passage is talking about the Israelites being led out of Egypt and being saved from pharaoh’s army. 

However, on a personal level, for me it is about being led out of abuse, anger, hate and nearly being killed. It is a personal deliverance that I was able to achieve because of the Lord and because while I was walking through my own personal dessert not necessarily being strong in the word, I was strong in my faith and God stayed right beside me shepherding me in the right direction towards where I am today. He ushered me away from Satan and his evil ways. When I was down, He covered any foothold Satan could get on me and because of that my journey through the dessert didn’t take the 40 years it took the Israelites. My faith never wavered even when my trust did. Because of that, I am safe, my family is safe and God is the ruler of my life. I look forward to what the future holds and that is something I didn’t always have. 

Praise God!! 

“Let us savor the sweetness of salvation and the joy of knowing where our strength, courage and happiness come from” –Living Faith Daily Catholic Devotional

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