
Finding God through John

Monday, July 11, 2011

Todays Prayer

Heavenly Father,
Today I give you thanks for my health, for my family and for my friends. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to get better acquainted with certain people who I have always known but never had a relationship with. I ask you Father God to please allow those in a position of power to see the truth for what it is and not for what man would hope it to be. Give each of your children the strength to carry on through tomorrow and everyday thereafter. You Father have worked many miracles in our lives and I have faith that you will also get us through the hard times that continue to fall upon each of us as we grow and struggle and change. Allow us to hear you whispering our names and to give us the courage to follow You Lord wherever it is you lead. "For the night is deep and dark and I will not be afraid". In Jesus name I pray- Amen

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful prayer! Thank you from LoriAnn


Amazing Grace

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