
Finding God through John

Friday, July 15, 2011

When you are Offered Salvation- Take It!

Joh:10:9: I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Ac:2:21: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

 I feel these two passages are relevant for NWO today as we have many fires burning, many people and business are displaced because of the risks and many people are afraid of losing everything, especially money. To these people I say that the only seed you need to sow is the one in the Lord, He will provide for all of the children who ask of Him and who have faith in Him, that He can and will do what is necessary. This does not mean your houses or businesses will be saved, they are objects, but you will be saved, your heart and soul will be saved and you will live on in eternity through the Lord if you believe.

I am reminded of a short story I was taught when I was very young.

There was flood and everyone was told to evacuate and this one man said he did not need to leave that his God would save him. As the waters rose a boat came by and offered him a way out and he refused again citing that his Father would save him. The waters became higher. He had to move to his roof. While on the roof a helicopter came by and tried to rescue him. He once again cited that his God would rescue him. The flood waters rose and killed the man. When he got to the gates of heaven he asked the Lord, “why didn’t you save me?” and the Lord said “I sent evacuation teams, a boat and a helicopter and you refused!”

I think the moral of this story is that God doesn’t come down and literally pick you up and pluck you out of a bad situation. He sends people who do Gods work and risk their own lives in His name (whether they know it or not) and it is up to each of us to know the difference between Gods will and our own. This man was given ample opportunity to be saved and he chose to NOT see that it was all sent by God because he wanted a bigger sign! Those who have genuine faith and strength in their relationship with God would see His offers of safety and would take these opportunities because they would have faith in God and His will! 

So, if you find yourself in a position where you need to do something because it is better safe than sorry, do it! Chances are it is God trying to send you the option of safety and when you refuse this you refuse the Lord. Our bodies are our God given vessels for our souls and we must do whatever possible to protect these vessels so that we can go and do Gods work, heart work.

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