
Finding God through John

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Proverbs Chapter 2

Proverbs Chapter 2
I decided that I wouldn’t post the entire Chapter but instead just do the writing, still with the help of Gloria Copeland’s book “Hidden Treasures”

“My son, if you will receive my words and treasure up my commandments within you” (v1) We should take this verse as a direct communication from God to us. The entire Bible was divinely inspired and He used it to speak to us about all things. This verse tells us to treasure His words and make it the final authority in your life. “Making your ear attentive to skillful and godly Wisdom and inclining and directing your heart and mind to understanding [applying all your powers to the quest for it]” (v2 AMP)

This scripture agrees with James 1:5-6, which says when you want wisdom you must ask for it in faith and not waver. This proverb takes the thought further and tells you to direct your mind and your heart toward Gods wisdom. Therefore, you have to go after the wisdom and word of the Lord and apply all your powers of concentration, energy and effort, to obtain his Wisdom. It has to not only be a desire but a need that becomes your quest in life. You must “search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures"(v4 AMP). You have to be driven to this treasure the way those who are not born again go after material wealth. Fortunately, no one ever seeks God without finding Him. He is always there waiting for His herd of sheep to come back to Him, our Shepherd! 

When you obey Gods words and the treasures in them that you find you have found “the knowledge of [our omniscient] God!” (v5) At this point you will be abundant in victory in your life, thanks to placing God as the master of your heart, body, and soul. You can be confident of this because “the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (v6 AMP). The only thing you will ever hear from Gods mouth is the truth. He does not lie, He does not deceive. In fact, He says Satan is the father of all lies! You may ask yourself “if I am created in Gods image, then why can I lie?” This question is easily answered. We are created in His image, but we were granted free will. He wanted for us to have heaven on earth, but when the serpent came to eve and LIED to her and convinced her to eat of the tree of knowledge our eyes were suddenly opened to the lies and the deception that has come to be a human trait. Lying is not from God, but from Satan and we see this throughout the entire biblie, starting in Genesis! Now, it is up to us to use our free will to learn about Gods treasures and plans for our lives, accept His word as truth, and practice it in our daily life, while resisting the evil that Satan tempts us with in our daily living. 

Not everyone can so easily find the treasures God has hidden for us. Only those who have been born again and accept His truth are able to see what is plainly placed before all of us. That’s because “He hides away sound and godly Wisodm and stores it for the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with Him)” (v7 AMP). As I said before, He is always ready to be found and His Wisdom is always available, we just must seek it with a faith-filled heart and use it in the way He intended it to be used. This said, many people use the biblical teachings to become successful financially but they miss out on the biggest point! They are successful on earth but are not able to get into heaven because they did not give their lives to the Lord, they did not accept Jesus on the cross. They weren’t born again. They only USED God to do the devils work! We must pray for these people so that they can truly experience God. I often say “even Satan can read, even Satan can quote scripture”. When you are at church or out in public you mustn’t look at someone because of their success in life, you must look at them with Gods eyes and see if they are “practicing what they preach” or are just putting on a show. You should NEVER judge someone, but you should pray for those who need prayer, even those who don’t believe they need prayers, chances are they need it the most!

God is a “shield to those who walk uprightly and in integrity” (v 7 AMP) 

His ways have been proven to work over and over and over again through history. As a matter of fact, this year is the 400th year that the King James Version of the Bible has been in print! This isn’t by default or mistake. It is because Gods Wisdom, guidance and unwavering love works and is the truth. Other books are lucky to be in print for ten years because they don’t speak the truth. The bible says “He preserves the way of His saints” (v8 AMP)

Once you have put yourself in alignment with God instead of against Him “you will understand righteousness, justice, and fair dealing; yes, you will understand every good path” (v9 AMP). You will come to understand because “skillful and godly Wisdom shall enter into your heart” (v10 AMP) and “discretion shall watch over you, understanding shall keep you” (v11 AMP). Another good reason discretion watches over you is “to deliver you from the way of evil and the evil men” (v12 AMP). Discretion not only delivers you from temptations and mistakes, but it also delivers you from people who could harm you. Evil men are defined as those “who forsake the paths of the uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, Who rejoice to do evil and delight in the perverseness of evil” (v 13-14 AMP). Then you can “walk in the way of good men, and keep to the paths of the [consistently] righteous” (v 20 AMP). That shield of protection is the reward of the upright, whom God promises “shall dwell in the land, and the men of integrity, blameless and complete [in God’s sight], shall remain in it” (v20 AMP)

Great rewards are waiting for those who decide to make the effort to treasure Gods words and great dangers await those who do not. Do you treasure Gods words and make them the foundation of your life? Do you walk the walk and talk the talk? Or, do you read the bible and toss those treasures aside for worldly goods?

Gloria Copeland's Wisdom for Today

Direct your heart and mind toward God’s wisdom and knowledge.

Expect to hear from God today; don’t miss Him in the little things.

Walk in discretion. Resist temptation as soon as it confronts you.

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